
July 2024


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OctoPrint – a new attempt

It was not so simple to set up a Raspberry Pi as a 3D-print server as I had hoped. It started with issues with the WiFi-dongle, continued to a complete black out on all of my USB web cams and finally I gave up…

I reflashed the SD-card with the latest full Raspbian Jessie […]

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OctoPi – WiFi issues

Next step in my journey into 3D-printing would be to set up a server to remote-control my 3D-printer. Since two weeks ago I have a spare Raspberry Pi 2 lying around and Google quickly revealed the existence of OctoPrint.

Ok, downloading the image of OctoPi and writing it to a micro-SD, making the necessary […]

Continue reading OctoPi – WiFi issues

Improving the Wanhao Duplicator i3 – Part 1

Yesterday I got my Winhao Duplicator i3 and when I was setting it up and adjusting the print bed I thought: “Is it supposed to be like this?”

The print bed is a heated aluminum plate which is mounted on top of the Y-axis sled by four M3 screws, one in each corner. These […]

Continue reading Improving the Wanhao Duplicator i3 – Part 1

The future is here…

…it arrived by mail today – and I couldn’t wait…

The Wanhao Duplicator i3.

Merry Christmas & a new laptop

Unbelievable, but the migration to my new laptop and from Windows 7 to Windows 10 is easier than anticipated.

Among other things this is thanks to the following programs:

Popfile database exporter Firefox password exporter TheBat Email with built-in Backup/Restore Old New model HP Probook 4520s ASUS N551ZU purchased 2010-06 2015-11 screen 15.6″ […]

Continue reading Merry Christmas & a new laptop

Is your Firefox getting tired?

I am still convinced that Firefox is a great browser, but lately something went terribly wrong. The browser would take up 1.7 GByte of virtual memory almost immediately after starting, almost independently on the number of open tabs or visited pages.

In order to debug the problem I installed another add-on (after actually reading […]

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(Deutsch) Glaubt’ Ihr doch wohl selber nicht…

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

I have been hacked!

How could this happen? My website has been hacked in the beginning of this week! As a reaction my provider immediately took it offline, because a script on the server has been used to send out spam…

Is your Windows computer getting slow?

My laptop very recently got much slower than usual. The harddisk LED was permanently on and it too ages for it to hibernate. I cleaned some garbage from the harddisk and could not really see in the ProcessExplorer what was keeping the system busy.

Today afternoon it finally got out of control and suddenly […]

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Yesterday at QuizClash

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.