
July 2024


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A letter to the head of the Engineering Sciences at Uppsala University

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Impressions from a trip to Germany

Dear fellow resident German citizens!

Is it really and completely normal for you that

the stamp vending machines of the German Post still return the change in worthless stamps only? a post counter hosted in a supermarket and tended by the personnel of the supermarket closes at 18:30, even though the supermarket itself is […]

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(Deutsch) Schüßlerst Du schon?

This article is about German tv advertisements for sugar pills according to the teachings of Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler. Since this is a German phenomenon and superstition I will not translate it to English.

PISA – what’s wrong with Sweden

The Swedish education system used to be a good example, but looking at the new PISA results, Sweden is among the countries with the strongest deterioration in school education in reading, mathematics and science. The only thing Sweden has achieved is to narrow the gap between top and low performers – obviously by lowering […]

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Pandora’s Promise (The movie)

Yesterday I had the opportunity to watch a screening of the movie Pandora’s Promise at Uppsala University. After the movie there was a panel debate including the director of the film, Robert Stone. Since there was a lot of noise around the movie on the internet I was looking forward to see the film […]

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Save the Wall

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Thank you for travelling Deutsche Bahn

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Magic lights in Uppsala

23rd UNT fireworks

Today the art festival “all lights on Uppsala” ended and Christmas season officially started with the 23rd annual fireworks by the local newspaper UNT.

23rd UNT fireworks in Uppsala

All lights on Uppsala – Gillbergska genomfarten

During the festival, the artists and the city officials wanted to emphasize why LEDs […]

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City of Stralsund flogs unique library collection

Money has to be saved everywhere these days, but should a public entity be allowed to flog the family silver? The city of Stralsund, UNESCO world heritage site, has recently silently and covertly sold off a unique library collection.

An online petition was started with the aim to revoke this action:


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Sciencephobia in the media

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.