
October 2024


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VSCode for everything

Atmel Microchip Studio

1 1/2 years ago now I have finally abandoned Microchip (Atmel) Studio for programming AVR microcontrollers.

I have been using Atmel Studio from the very first day I have been programming AVR microcontrollers and I have been following it through the version 4 to 7. But already a couple of years […]

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We need to talk about ChatGPT

There are other, more detailed analyses, looking behind the curtains of ChatGPT, this is just a short summary of my own experiences. For more details, look e.g. here: ChatGPT: Interacting via a conversational way!

ChatGPT is this (in)famous artificial intelligence which has been all over the media lately. It describes itself as a language […]

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Weird prices at Bauhaus

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

The TIAN MA A2C00096100 LCD

The electronics distributor is often selling surplus displays, but normally these are not very well documented. The TIAN MA A2C00096100  LCD module is a 90 mm x 20 mm character display with on-board chip-on-glass controller. It has 20 alphanumeric character positions, actually 18+2 since there is a vertical 1-pixel wide bar separating the […]

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(Deutsch) Ach Ihr schon wieder…

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Nicely rendered 7-segment numbers

User cbm80amiga has uploaded a nice library to render 7-segment numbers on graphical displays – especially for Arduinos. But the code can as well be used without any Arduino in the proximity, just a slight change in the library made it an universal C++ object.

It had the ambition to follow up with further […]

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Temperature measurements with an NTC thermistor

sagecell.makeSagecell({“inputLocation”: “.sage”}); Following a discussion on Facebook I put here an online tool to calculate the output of a voltage divider consisting of a fixed resistor and an NTC thermistor following a first order Steinhart–Hart equation.

The calculations are based on a voltage divider where either the voltage over the NTC or over […]

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Not WormFood’s AVR Baud Rate Calculator

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Some Toner-Transfer PCB Highlights

Some recent highlights from my home-made circuit boards using the toner-transfer method.

0.5 mm FPC breakout board

Yes, I have been told that I am crazy before… Designed in KiCAD

0.5 mm pitch FPC breakout board – before etching

0.5 mm pitch FPC breakout board – half-way etched

Continue reading Some Toner-Transfer PCB Highlights

Canvas: Using Python to create Calculated Questions


I just recently started with Canvas because Uppsala University has decided to use it as its upcoming LMS platform after a failed attempt with another product. Therefore I had already spent some time with Blackboard and was quite fond of the calculated questions type in quizzes. I quickly found out that Canvas offers […]

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