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Folder refresh under Windows 7

I am quite satisfied with the installation of Windows 7 on my laptop which I bought in June last year. However, one thing has bothered me almost all the time:

Creating a new folder in the standard file save dialog from any application did indeed create a new folder – but the display did not show this new folder until a manual refresh (key F5) of the display was performed.

A Google-search revealed that this problem seems to be quite common. The possible causes mentioned – including official answers from Microsoft – are

  • hardware drivers (including the graphics driver…)
  • antivirus programs
  • network settings
  • corrupted files
  • corrupted DVDs

But some discussion forums also mentioned another possible culprit: a setting in the Windows registry. And since I had doubts that any of the above “reasons” could be the cause of the problem I decided to try the registry approach first.

And as you might guess – now the problem is gone and the Explorer always updates its display!

I can of course only speak for my installation, but this registry setting seems to be the solution. If you want to try it on your system, then start the registry editor (if you don’t know how, then I will not tell you here, because you can damage your whole system when you don’t know what you are doing!)

There you look up the item HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{BDEADE7F-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}\Instance\ there you might find a key with the name DontRefresh the value of which you should set to 0.

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