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buying electronics on ebay

There are many sellers for electronic components on ebay. Many of these are located in the far east: PR China, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. Here I will place my personal whitelist and my personal blacklist covering some of these sellers. These lists are only based on my personal experience – your mileage may vary. However, my personal experience suggest not to consider any ebay seller with a rating below 98.5% positive feedback.


Never again!

yoursitem HongKong shipped after 5 weeks, received after 7 weeks, one item wrong (July 2017)
t-happy HongKong long delivery time, incomplete shipment
GraceLightLed PRC slow (5+ weeks) and wrong deliveries
ce10wy PRC 6+ weeks
kingfull-electronic-company PRC slow and incomplete shipping
findyours HongKong more than 6 weeks delivery time! improved service!
gowinelectronic PRC sent 5% carbon film resistors instead of 1% metal film
mhestore2009 HongKong wrong delivery (flux not solder paste), got refunded
auspiciouselectronics PRC IC sockets from conductive black plastics!
smitten-oz PRC 2 subsequent buys, both 6+ weeks delivery time
yaloocharm PRC 1st shipment lost(?), 2nd 4weeks
buynow360 PRC delayed shipment and slow transport
thanks-buy PRC Thanks for nothing, claims second shipment, but nothing ever arrived!
czb6721960 PRC eBay shop closed? No delivery after 5 weeks…
Demon99 PRC sent or not sent? No delivery after 6 weeks
lu_cytime208 HongKong never received my order
svri DE sells items which are not in stock, long lead time


Not my first choice…

kuailelaoliang HongKong slow shipping – 8 weeks
fzeroinestore HongKong 4 weeks7 weeks same order (May 2017)
hanpose-8 PRC 6 weeks (July 2017)
horizon_electronic PRC 5 weeks (July 2017)
qiqi94051-1 HongKong 6+ weeks
electronics_fans PRC 6 weeks delivery time (2017)
chivazhu HongKong 6 weeks delivery time (2017)
sensecore PRC 6 weeks delivery time (2017)
findyours HongKong 6 weeks deliver time (2017)
areyourshop-003 PRC 4+ weeks
sensecore PRC 4+ weeks
iamsn2008 PRC previously fast, now 5 weeks (2017)
survy2014 PRC recently wrong deliveries and counterfeits
satisfyelectronics PRC identical to survy2014
alice1101983/TxHang Electronic PRC
wholesaleinusa PRC 5 weeks delivery
better-seller01 PRC 4 weeks
bestnbestonline HongKong slow (4 weeks)
savemoneyeveryday2012 HongKong slow (4+ weeks)
good4deal999 PRC delayed – items shipped 1 week after payment + 2 weeks delivery, probably identical to kingfull
sk2store PRC slightly slower than competitors, but still ok (3 weeks)
chipworld PRC 4 weeks delivery time
ouyou2010 HongKong separate postage fee, yet still 4 weeks delivery time, 2 weeks more than competitors
2012moon816 PRC advertises ATmega328, delivers ATmega168, does not respond…
3yonline HongKong low quality design (solder pads)
dreambestbuy HongKong slow delivery (4 weeks), quality on the lower side
shinyempire HongKong slow delivery (4 weeks), but ok quality
liawu HongKong slow delivery (4 weeks), but ok quality
polida2008 HongKong slow delivery (4 weeks), but ok quality


Personally recommended sellers

18ROBOTS UK very fast de
mc-manager2014 UK fastest delivery – 2 days to Sweden
xiaofega0 PRC/DE ships from Germany
g_titov Ukraine vintage electronics (Geiger counters)
dosimeters_radiometers_counters Ukraine vintage electronics (Geiger counters)
binggogo PRC shipping with Swiss Post
diyarduino PRC shipping with Swiss Post
nn_745 PRC
buyherenews PRC
bestforsell HongKong
wwoodoo PRC
goodquality0814 PRC
wwlf7382 PRC
idealholiday2016 PRC
moderntime2015 PRC
2010lightinthebox PRC
huayi-components PRC 3 weeks (June 2017)
moyin888 PRC 2 weeks (July 2017)
borderless-mart HongKong
robotics-hardware-store France
fenggang18 HongKong
lcielectronics Bulgaria Vintage electronics
Anycubic-Official PRC
iamsn2008 PRC previously fast, now 5 weeks (2017)
fullchoice PRC a bit slow (3+ weeks)
babaoshop HongKong 18 calender days
frmodel2012 PRC
enova PRC
der_beste HongKong
sellerbible HongKong very fast delivery
satisfyelectronics PRC counterfeits suspected
Arihav-Electronics IL
chip_partner PRC
tk-electronics2016 PRC
aes-europe DE
eshow.b2c PRC optics
findyours HongKong 3 weeks
sk2store PRC 2 1/2 weeks
cijurassien FR
zhanglinyu520 PRC
deepin-de DE
123phone PRC
buyeasy-de HongKong
LED-Stuebchen DE
tubelight PRC 2 weeks
chip_partner PRC very fast delivery!
tfux-shop DE
ishareled PRC/DE warehouse in Germany
beautyzz2009 HongKong
axeprice PRC
giorgio11185 PRC
cncpartsonline BG vintage electronics
sm-poland Poland very fast, high-quality
elena8913 RU vintage electronics
survy2014 PRC fast 2 weeks counterfeits supected
better-seller01 PRC
premierchoicecomponents USA comes with a certificate of authenticity
worldchips PRC fast
bestshop2008hk HongKong probably not the best but quite ok
bg2014manue BG TOP!!! I even got some surprising extras!!!
aguang81 HongKong
beemodel2009a PRC
cao19961023 PRC not the fastest shipper, but 4mm banana cables which actually contain copper and quality contacts!
czbelectronic PRC
moncss PRC
Art-In-Part IL
siberian-shop RUS vintage electronics
insa_electronics BG vintage electronics
Electron-pv/electron_bg BG vintage soviet devices
e_goto/ICs-Processors-Store PRC
colorfulplace888 HongKong Wow – extremely fast!
joaoccabral PT
euroelektronikspj PL
carbide&more IL drill bits and endmills
witopower PRC
Electronic.Components.France France
artronicpl Poland
discount-components-warehouse USA
TxHang-Electronic HongKong
led-world2007 HongKong
solaluna88 HongKong
2011fule0528 PRC extremely fast delivery
lakeyx101 HongKong
hifiic PRC
luoxiquan PRC
LEDSEE-electronics PRC
wholesale-led HongKong very fast shipment
moncss PRC
thomast8433 FR
siliconsound USA no shop, vintage NOS
angelsixuk UK ships from Germany, ok – but not very responsive…
gc_supermarket HK 3 weeks delivery time
agat_mb PL
exclusiv-store UA fast shipment, vintage Soviet devices
grayaxel7 UA very fast shipment, vintage Soviet devices
valtek_2005 RO
lci_electronics BG
alexer1 UA
ru.seller RU
gedeon-qc CA
saymlove PRC
yibiaoxin1982 PRC
hisen-wsh PRC
jojo201007 PRC
eletrading HongKong HongKong
eqmarket2011-Electronic-kits-store PRC 3+ weeks
pentodbg BG
electronicsfrom2006 HongKong
EU-Parts-Shop/pascal2004777 FI
toptools4u IL
electronic-componentsseller DE
hfo_poland PL
hongkongsupply HongKong
Electronics-Salon HongKong very fast delivery (< 2w)
chinaecomponents PRC
icemodel2009 PRC extremely fast delivery
socoolmart PRC
greenhouse408 PRC
pokerelectronic HongKong ok delivery time, good quality
wasp2018 HongKong fast delivery, good quality
1984yht888 PRC good quality, unique item
tayda2009 Thailand very fast delivery, good quality
thaishopetc Thailand fast delivery
lucky_guy2010 HongKonmg ok delivery time
estore2099 PRC ok to fast delivery time
stellastamp Thailand very fast delivery!
buyamore PRC
dacheng2009 HongKong
flyingbest PRC HongKong very fast delivery, good quality
jiakgong2011 PRC very fast delivery, good quality
eddiestore2008 HongKong very fast delivery, good quality
bc547 DE very fast delivery, good quality
anycircuit1 Canada fast delivery, good quality*2010 HongKong fast delivery, good quality
best2click HongKong fast delivery, less good quality
sunwenjun HongKong fast delivery, good quality
SunElectronic HongKong HongKong
elektronik-direkt DE
wonderco_buy79 Taiwan extremely fast delivery (≤ one week)
zeuselectronics HongKong
electronics_lee PRC
diy-audio4you DE
carlkoba HongKong
wellparts PRC
clok456 GB
YallStock HongKong
ha5ia GB
it_tronics DE
elecont24 DE
chinaretailstorer PRC
boyatech HongKong
lucky_guy2010 HongKong
tyr-elektronik Poland
minikshop HongKong
onlyforever702 HongKong HongKong
lotsgoods88 HongKong
bionicbot GB
richmil_ltd GB
dig-ole PRC
shicenter HongKong
component4all IL
sunflex-energy PRC
no.1solar PRC
thaishopetc Thailand
electronic-componentsseller DE
hpstore2008 PRC
sunpec HongKong
sitedv88 HongKong
satisled PRC
excharge HongKong